Since 1963 in the United States, the Weight Watchers method has millions of followers around the world thanks to its unique concept.
By combining a personalized diet program, encouraging physical activity and educational support in meetings, it is in fact so far the only existing comprehensive approach in the field of slimming.
A carefully Food Programme
The major component of the Weight Watchers diet is a dietary course, essential to any weight loss program. Weight Watchers, is both:
Upon registration, a POINTS capital is assigned to each person wishing to lose weight. This capital is calculated based on age, sex, height, weight and daily physical activity. It corresponds to the energy requirements tailored to each to lose weight, as the basis for a low-calorie diet (food intake below requirements).
At Weight Watcher nothing is forbidden. Everything must be consumed in reasonable quantities and so varied, that is to say ensuring eat every day at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables,2-3 dairy products, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable fat, carbohydrates at least 2 times per day, a high protein diet and 1.5 to 2 liters of liquid at least 1 liter of water.
Simple, practical, the system of capital POINTS avoids having to weigh food. All that is eating or drinking is assessed POINTS units based on the lipid content and calories. In everyday life, the POINTS values are recorded to achieve its capital POINTS. There a few years ago, with the new FlexiPointsPLUS program, the method has evolved towards greater flexibility.
Physical activity
with Weight Watchers, any type of physical activity counts and everyone progresses at their own pace. Again, just counting, it’s very playful. POINTS activity are calculated based on the weight, duration and intensity level of physical activity.
Each extra effort, these activity POINTS can be earned each week and turned into extra POINTS values to increase, occasionally, its capital POINTS … and afford some well-deserved gap.
The exchange and support meetings
The trump card of the Weight Watcher diet, compared to conventional systems, lies in the organization of weekly meetings, during this we come to find information, motivation and guidance to enable a lasting change habits.
Upon arrival, participants were greeted by the hostess and her team. By listening and sharing among members and with the guidance of the facilitator, which itself followed the method, this appointment is an opportunity to learn how to eat healthily and to draw all the motivation necessary to the success of the project.
To follow the progress of each participant also weighs with a guarantee of total confidentiality.